Inside Dupe: from Spytalk

This report comes from the debut report from Spytalk, the relaunch of my colleague Jeff Stein’s long-running news site. I’m working with him as a contributing editor. Please consider signing up for the email list. Thanks!

Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson is pushing Russian disinformation just months before the 2020 election

Peter Eisner

Senator Ron Johnson, the Wisconsin Republican who has called the FBI a “secret society” that is corrupt “at the highest levels,” is not letting go of his campaign to discredit the investigations into ties between Russia and President Donald J. Trump. 

The former plastics company CEO, who also called reports of Kremlin interference in the 2016 elections “overblown” after a visit to Moscow in 2018, now appears to be trying to revive a conspiracy theory tying Joe Biden to a “Deep State” plot to undermine Trump — one that also happens to echo a Russian disinformation campaign to help re-elect the president.  MORE